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How to take care of delicate clothes

Delicate Clothes are fragile fabrics that need special care and may be easily damaged by normal wear and tear or machine wash. Your embroidered clothes, lingerie, cashmere, hand-knitted, or crocheted fabrics are generally considered delicate fabrics. Delicate clothing is a staple is everyone’s wardrobe but more often than not- we treat them like our usual laundry and putting them in a normal cycle. 


How often do you need to clean delicate clothes?

Delicate clothes must not be washed after every use. It can be washed after every wearing it for about 3 times. If we need to clean a delicate garment worn close to the skin, such as lingerie, it can be washed after wearing it 1-2 times. Read the labels on your clothes as some fabrics need special care and have instructions written on them to avoid any sort of damage to the fabric caused from hand washing or dry cleaning.

Hand Washing Delicates

Soak up!

Make sure the basin or the bucket used for washing clothes are spotlessly clean and then fill the basin with cool or mild water as hot water can cause shrinkage. Use a mild detergent and always make sure to add the detergent in water before adding clothes and stir it well in order to make sure that the detergent or Laundry Liquid is properly dissolved in water. Allow the garment to soak for at least 5 minutes and swirl the laundry a few times. Make sure not to twist or scrub the fabric as it could stretch the fabric

Separate the colours

Sort the clothes by color and fabric type before washing in order to avoid the risk of bleeding of the darker color clothes and staining the lighter color clothes. Special attention must be given to white clothes. For delicate clothes and woolen clothes, it is also advisable to use a cloth softener like Koparo’s Fabric Conditioner as it keeps the fibers intact, thus making the fiber soft and smooth.

Removing the stains

Do not oversoak as soaking for an extended period can cause fading of the fabric color. To remove stains on delicate clothes, use a good quality Fabric Stain Remover. Wait for 10 minutes so the stain remover can soak into the fibers and then rub it gently with your finger. Fragile areas of the clothe need extra time and care. Drain the sink and now rinse the fabric in clean water again and again until no suds are seen as soap residue will gradually corrode the fibers. Do not use bleach on delicate clothes especially on white clothes as they can cause yellowing of the fabric over time.

Washing delicate clothes in a washing machine

Select the right water temperature.

  • Cold water works well for delicate fabrics and sensitive dark colors that tend to bleed.
  • Sort the clothes based on color and fabric and also take extra precautions while washing clothes with zippers and other closures that they are securely fastened.
  • Ensure to wash the clothes in small loads to reduce the risk of damage to the fabric or shape and it can easily prevent the garments from getting entangled during the spin cycle.
  • Do not use too much detergent as overdosing detergent can create too many suds that will be difficult to remove.
It is better to use Laundry Liquid for washing clothes in the washing machine as it leaves no residue(as powders do) and dissolves completely in water. A fabric conditioner can also be added for softness and smoothness. Clothes that bleed colors must be washed separately to prevent colors from bleeding onto unsuspected fabrics. Select the gentle or delicate wash setting with cold water and make sure to choose your washing machine’s lowest spin cycle to avoid damage. For lingerie, it is preferred to wash them by hand in a sink filled with cool water in order to hold their shape and last longer.

Drying your delicate clothes

Do not dry by direct heat or avoid dryers as they can break down the fibers of the fabric since that can cause the garment to shrink. Lay your delicates flat on a clean, white towel in a shaded place to dry as drying them in direct sunlight can cause fading. Air dry on hangers in a well-ventilated room or in a balcony. Flip the garment over and let it completely air dry

Make sure that the hangers used are not rusted in order to avoid rust stains. For knitted items, reshape the garment before drying. Do not wring them to avoid excess moisture and also try not to hang damp clothing on surfaces that may warp or rust when wet, such as wood or metal.

Storing delicate clothes

Make sure that the clothes are not stuffed. Delicate fabrics need to be stored in dry, dust-free, and ventilated areas. Pins or other sharp objects must be removed prior to storage to avoid rust stains and pinholes. While folding, roll or fold them around the white acid-free paper to minimize creases.

Delicate fabrics made of natural fibers must be kept in ventilated containers and placed in a dark, dry, dust-free, ventilated area. Don't crush stored delicate materials by piling heavier items on top of them because the fibers or embellishments may become damaged.

Can I hand-wash garments labeled "dry clean"?

If the care label says "dry clean only," these items might be fine rayon or silk, and any form of washing—even by hand—will likely damage them. Sometimes, if the label only says "dry clean," it might be a recommendation rather than a requirement. Use your best judgment, or ask a dry cleaner to be sure.

My garment has no care tag; are there certain fabrics for which machine washing is discouraged?

Linen, rayon, silk, and wool are fabrics that should not be subjected to the mechanical action of a machine washer or dryer. If you know that your garments contain these materials, hand-washing is always a good idea.

Why is the "delicate" cycle of my washing machine not suitable for garments labeled "delicate"?

The delicate cycle on a washing machine operates at a less vigorous agitation cycle and is shorter than a regular cycle. It is designed to cause less wear to the fabrics. But this cycle, especially with top-loading machines, can still be too rough for most items labeled hand-wash only.



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