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Tips to save energy for laundry

Using a washer and dryer can consume a significant amount of energy. Here are tips for saving energy when doing your laundry - without running out of clean pants to wear! Source: The New York Times Energy-Saving Tip 1: Wash only full loads of clothes Washing full loads can help save you money as well as reducing your energy consumption. Full loads can mean fewer loads! Fill, but don't overfill! Running larger loads can save up to 12,870 litres of water annually. However, avoid overfilling your washer. Overloading can reduce efficiency or even damage it. And an overloaded washing machine won't clean your clothes was well. Do fewer loads of laundry or choose shorter cycles.Choosing only one or two days a week to do your laundry is a great way to save energy. Opt for the weekend when peak times typically level out. Wash items less often. It's easy to toss clothing in the laundry even if it doesn't really need to be washed. Think twice about whether those pants could be wor...
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How to take care of delicate clothes

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