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How necessary is eye cream?

An eye cream is necessary for anyone who is concerned about that area of their skin or who are noticing changes in that are. He or she should have dark circles, fine lines, crepiness, and undereye puffiness. If you don’t have any concerns in that area, but want to keep it hydrated you can use your preferred moisturizer but ensure it doesn’t have any irritants like exfoliating acids or retinol. You can use hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and aloe vera instead.

Understand your eye skin

The skin around the eyes is thinner, more sensitive, more fragile, more prone to dryness, and quicker to show age and fatigue. Squinting and constant movement of the eyes also hasten the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and fluids collect under the eyes and cause puffiness and dark circles. 

Eye creams are generally formulated specifically for the delicate skin around the eye, so they tend to be thicker. They contain more oil than a regular facial lotion, and they have a lot of active ingredients aimed at the problems we see around the eyes. Effective eye creams should contain antioxidants, cell-communicating and skin-healing ingredients. They make the skin cells healthier, building collagen, lightening discoloration and restoring the skin barrier.

If you already use a gentle, effective day or night cream or a serum, this product is also perfect for the skin around your eyes, as long as the skin type there is the same as the rest of your face.

Skin types and eye creams

Dry skin around the eyes: If the skin around your eyes is drier, you need a more emollient formula. In that case, using an eye cream with omega fatty acids can help soothe the delicate skin around your eye area.

Fine lines and wrinkles: Wrinkles come from both sun damage and your skin making less collagen as you age. Collagen helps maintain skin's elasticity. Vitamin C, peptides, and retinol have boosted collagen production, studies of skin creams show. Ceramide and hyaluronic acid also help; these are moisturizers that help prevent water loss in the skin and improve elasticity.

Bags: Puffiness is a buildup of fluid and blood under the eyes. If you suffer from puffiness because the fat cells under your eyes have sagged, there is no cream that can solve this. If you have bags under your eyes because you retain fluid or because you have slept too little, a calming cream around the eyes may help. To really see a change, you will have to sleep more, drink less alcohol and eat less salt.

Some studies show that caffeine can help circulation, which could reduce puffiness. Other studies show that cold temperatures are just as effective to treat puffiness. That's why some people refrigerate their eye creams. 

Dark circles: Dark circles under the eyes come from genes, sun damage, age, and blood build-up. During the daytime, always use a cream with sunscreen for the skin around your eyes. The eye cream you use in both the daytime and at night should contain ingredients that inhibit melanin production. This will improve your skin tone and can make a stunning difference. Sodium ascorbate, or vitamin C, can thicken the skin and help conceal dark circles after about 6 months. Niacinamide, or vitamin B3, and kojic acid can lighten dark circles.

Last but not least, don’t apply eye cream too close to the eyes, such as on the eyelids or directly under your bottom lashes (despite its name). Apply a pea-sized amount around both eyes, gently tap around the orbital bone with your ring finger and then smooth it out to the temple.



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